

博士 | 教授 | 博导

办公地点: 国家实验室大楼1010







2国家自然科学基金项目,辽东湾东营组多尺度湖平面变化及影响因素(41872112),2019/01- 2022/12,在研,主持


4国家重大专项子课题任务,辽东湾北部古近系重点区带源-汇沉积系统研究及有利储层预测(2011ZX05023-002-004),2012/01- 2016/12,结题,主持


1 Wu Wei, Liu Weiqing, Chuanlong Mou, Hua Liu, Yu Qiao, Jienan Pan, Shuyuan Ning, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Yao Jianxin, Jingdong Liu. Organic-rich siliceous rocks in the upper Permian Dalong Formation (NW middle Yangtze): Provenance, paleoclimate and paleoenvironment. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021,123.(SCI检索)

2Wu Wei, Li Quan, Pei Jiaxue, Ning Shuyu, Tong Liqing, Liu Weiqing, Feng Zhendong. Seismic sedimentology, facies analyses, and high-quality reservoir predictions in fan deltas: A case study of the Triassic Baikouquan Formation on the western slope of the Mahu Sag in China's Junggar Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020,120.(SCI检索)

3Li Quan,Wu Wei, Liang Jianshe, Kang Hongquan, Liu Weiqing, Wang Guangxu, Cai Lulu. Deep-water channels in the lower Congo basin: Evolution of the geomorphology and depositional environment during the Miocene. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2020,115.(SCI检索)

4Wu Wei, Guangxu Wang, Gaofeng Liu*, Xinjun Dong, Jing Yu, Jienan Pan. 2020. Micron-Nano Pore Structures and Microscopic Pore Distribution of Oil Shale in the Shahejie Formation of the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Using the Ar-SEM Method. Journal of nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 20: 1-15.(SCI检索)

5Wang Huijun,Wu Wei, Chen Tao, Yu Jing, Pan Jienan. Pore structure and fractal analysis of shale oil reservoirs: A case study of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay, China, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, doi: petrol.2019.02.081(SCI检索)

6 Huijun Wang,Wei Wu, Tao Chen, Xinjun Dong, Guangxu Wang. An improved neural network for TOC, S1 and S2 estimation based on conventional well logs, Journal of Petroleum and engineering,2019, 176: 664-678(SCI检索)

7 Wu Wei, Wang Huijun, Yu Jing*, Pan Jienan.Geochemical characteristics of the Carboniferous -Permian source rocks in Western Henan, China, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2019, 37(5): 519-527(SCI检索)

8 Wu Wei, Li Quan, Yu Jing, Lin Changsong, Li Dan, Yang Ting, The Central Canyon depositional patterns and filling process in east of Lingshui Depression, Qiongdongnan Basin northern South China Sea, Geological Journal, 2018,53(6): 3064-3081(SCI检索)

9 Li Quan,Wu We*, Yu Shui, Kang Hongquan, Tong Liqing, Cao Xiangyang, The application of three-dimensional seismic spectral decomposition and semblance attribute to characterizing the deepwater channel depositional elements in the Taranaki Basin of New Zealand, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2017, 36(9): 79-86(SCI检索)

10 Wu Wei, Wang Guangxu, Liu Weiqing, Quantitative morphometric analysis of a deep-water channel in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Acta Oceanologica Sinica,(SCI期刊 Minor Revision后审稿中)



吴伟, 王娟, 董伟. 辽中凹陷东营组沉积与石油地质特征. 中国矿业大学出版社, 978-7- 5646-3051-5


获得河南省自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等奖 2项、三等奖2项;中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)优秀论文1次


1吴伟, 张苗苗, 阮帅, 夏璐璐, 汪恒慧, 陈滢. 一种多功能动态沉积水槽试验装置(授权实用新型专利

2吴伟, 于静, 张苗苗, 阮帅, 夏璐璐, 汪恒慧, 陈滢. 模拟砂体液化侵入触发机制与形成过程的实验装置及方法(授权发明专利).

3吴伟, 张苗苗, 于静, 阮帅, 夏璐璐, 汪恒慧, 陈滢. 一种多功能动态沉积水槽试验装置及使用方法(发明专利实审中

4祝瑜, 吴伟, 张召才, 于静, 冯阵东, 刘高峰, 刘惟庆, 李晓斌, 高迪. 一种页岩储层含油饱和度的电化学预测方法(发明专利实审中

5吴伟, 冯阵东, 王光绪, 刘惟庆, 赵晓明, 史淑珍, 乔雨,鲁雪松. 一种利用地震资料计算海底水道深度的方法(发明专利实审中

6吴伟, 冯阵东, 周永, 王光旭, 冯建伟, 鲁雪松, 李聪, 刘金华. 一种利用综合分形维D-p定量评价砂岩储层的方法(发明专利实审中







更新时间 : 2022-06-13

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